6005 Epoksi PrimerEpoxy Primer


It is an epoxy resin based, two-component, solvent-free, epoxy floor primer with a film-forming ability for mineral surfaces. It can be used as primer prior to epoxy based flooring and paint materials.

► Epoxy Resin Based
► Low Viscosity
► Penetration Ability
► Interiors
► On Horizontal Surfaces
► No Solvent

> Ral
> Public Works Pos No:

• It is used primarily as a primer material on cement based screed and concrete surfaces before epoxy flooring. Used indoors, on horizontal surfaces.

• Has low viscosity; easily penetrates the capillary gaps on the surface.
• It provides more durable and gap-free adhesion of epoxy floor coverings to the surface.
• Has high penetration ability.
• Has high adhesion strength.
• Has high mechanical resistance.
• Solvent-free, eco friendly.

a) Surface Preparation:
The sur­fa­ce must be dry, clean, sound and free of dust; oil, dirt or stic­king ma­te­ri­als must be re­mo­ved from the sur­fa­ce; ma­te­ri­als such as mor­tar, ce­ment re­si­du­es sho­uld be sc­ra­ped. Prior to the app­li­ca­ti­on of pri­mer on the sur­fa­ce, sur­fa­ce ab­ra­si­ve equ­ip­ment (Shotb­last, ro­to­ti­ger, etc.) sho­uld be used to form an open po­ro­us st­ruc­tu­re on the top layer of the app­li­ca­ti­on sur­fa­ce. Dus­ting sho­uld be cle­aned with in­dust­ri­al va­cu­um cle­aner. The cor­ro­ded conc­re­te sur­fa­ce sho­uld have a mi­ni­mum comp­res­si­ve st­rength of 25 N/mm2 and a ten­si­le st­rength of 1.5 N/mm2. En­su­re that sur­fa­ce mo­is­tu­re, re­la­ti­ve hu­mi­dity and dew point re­qu­ire­ments are met be­fo­re app­li­ca­ti­on. Ot­he­r­wi­se, the de­si­red per­for­man­ce cri­te­ria from the pro­duct can­not be re­ac­hed as a re­sult of car­bo­na­ti­on re­ac­ti­on on the sur­fa­ce. Mo­is­tu­re con­tent of the sur­fa­ce sho­uld be ma­xi­mum 4%. Re­la­ti­ve hu­mi­dity sho­uld be ma­xi­mum 80%. The dew point sho­uld be above +3°C be­fo­re and after the app­li­ca­ti­on in order to pre­vent the for­ma­ti­on of con­den­sa­ti­on. New conc­re­te st­ruc­tu­res sho­uld be al­lo­wed to dry for a mi­ni­mum of 28 days. Re­pa­ir of sur­fa­ce de­fects with a depth of more than 1 cm sho­uld be done with Ter­ma­tect Epoxy Re­pa­ir Mor­tar or Ter­ma­tect Grout Mor­tar 6-8 hours in ad­van­ce.

b) Product Preparation:
6005 Epoksi Primer is pac­ka­ged in su­itab­le qu­an­ti­ti­es in two com­po­nents. Each com­po­nent is first mixed in it­self. Com­po­nent B (Har­de­ner) is added to com­po­nent A (Epoxy resin). It is mixed with 300-400 rpm mixer tip drill for 3-4 mi­nu­tes until a ho­mo­ge­no­us con­sis­tency is ob­ta­ined. The en­ti­re mi­x­tu­re is then taken to a clean con­ta­iner and mixed again. If part of the pro­duct is to be used, these mi­xing ra­ti­os sho­uld be con­si­de­red.

c) Application Method:
Pre­pa­red 6005 Epoksi Primer sho­uld be po­ured onto the sur­fa­ce and app­li­ed with a rol­ler or tro­wel until a se­am­less layer is for­med. Ac­cor­ding to the po­ro­sity of the sur­fa­ce, 2nd coat of 6005 Epoksi Primer sho­uld be app­li­ed. After the pri­mer app­li­ca­ti­on, if the floor app­li­ca­ti­on of Ter­ma­tect Epoxy Self Le­ve­ling is to be made,blin­ding can be made with qu­artz or si­li­ca sand in di­men­si­ond of 0.5 - 0.7 mm.


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