Customer Happiness

Müşteri Memnuniyeti

Customer Complaints Management

Customer feedback is very important to better understand customer expectations. For this reason, all Termatect Construction Chemicals employees are equally responsible for collecting and recording customer feedback.


Our customers can convey their notifications through the following channels:

- Free Hotline 0322 394 31 01,

- Customer satisfaction Suggestion & Complaint form on our web pages,

- mü e-mail address,

- Customer Satisfaction Surveys (dealer, dealer employee, master),

- Fax, face to face interview.

No responsibility is accepted and evaluated for customer complaints not sent to Termatect employees.

Receiving and Evaluating Complaints

All the feedbacks sent by our customers are recorded and the first feedback that the complaint has been received is shared with our customers using the appropriate communication method (mail, telephone, text message, etc.) within 2 days at the latest.

Urgent priorities;

- Complaints, project works from corporate customers,

- Problems that bring the customer's application to a halt,

- The emergence of situations that will damage corporate reputation,

- Situations such as receiving repeated negative feedback from the same customer are situations that require urgent priority in complaint management.

The necessary information (photo, product sample, invoice, dispatch note, etc.) is requested if the complaint is examined. If necessary, customer complaints are investigated by performing an on-site inspection (application method, application surface, etc.).

The complainant is informed by e-mail about the examination process of the complaint (ongoing tests, investigations, estimated time of completion, etc.).

By making product quality control tests and looking for application errors, it is determined that the complaint is right or wrong. The decision is notified to the customer, and it is ensured that the solution is agreed.

The result of the complaint is delivered to the complainant in writing and signed and a confirmation is obtained whether the complaint has been remedied or not.

We only offer services that we can perform in legally and ethically appropriate areas. We make every effort to fulfill all our commitments. Having a management philosophy that provides innovation and sustainable excellence is the basis of our difference in the industry, our success and leadership. Quality is the most important element of all the values of our company. Because quality is a moral philosophy for us.


Indemnity and Conditions

The customer always has the right to receive information regarding the status of the complaint. As a result of the complaint;

- If the customer is defective, the customer is informed about the causes and consequences of the defect and solutions are offered.

- If Termatect Construction Chemicals are defective, the source of the defect is determined by compensating the product or service.

Privacy Notice

Termatect Construction Chemicals creates a database that it has created in order to get to know its customers and improve its relations and service quality;

- use it to carry out and develop its own processes,

- It will keep the feedback from its customers confidential,

- It will not share any information with third parties, except for legal obligations,

- Undertakes to inform its customers prior to information sharing in cases of legal obligation.


For more information about our company, you can contact us.

“ We will continue to seek superior quality and superior service with the power we receive from you. ”

Terma Construction Chemicals
San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

You can download the Product Complaint Form here.